Am I pregnant?

2016-10-17 8:04 am
We had sex on 9th(on day before ovulation) on 10th (the day of ovulation),and on 11th( the day after ovulation),today is next period is in 7days.but still I don't find any symptoms of pregnancy.when should I take pregnancy test?

回答 (4)

2016-10-17 11:35 am
You can't expect symptoms this early.

Test when your period is due or late
2016-10-17 8:16 am
You take it after you've missed a period. You can take it up to five days before with an early response test, but it may not show up this soon.
2016-10-17 8:16 am
You wouldn't have any symptoms this soon so forget that. Don't do the test until/unless your period is late. It's too soon to get an accurate result before then.
2016-10-17 8:23 am
it's too early to know if you're pregnant or not.
it all depends if you had (un)protected sex or not.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:13:35
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