Do you think the US military spends to much money?

2016-10-17 7:06 am

回答 (4)

2016-10-17 7:07 am
The problem is........they spend it on the wrong things.

I don't know where they are buying $600 hammers or $500 toilet seats........but they need to raise SALARIES ASAP!
2016-10-17 8:47 am
to many troops doing Jobs one man could Do

Me Explosives Ordnance i could Un pack Bombs Missiles and components Fitt them to the Missiles and Bombs Fit the Missiles and Bombs to the Aircraft rearm the Guns Refuel the Aircraft help the Aircrew Strap in I was Egress trained Martin Baker ACES and the F111 Moduel

I was also trained on Nuclear weapons and did SAR and was an Instructor for 2 years teaching everything Armament from starting Pistols to the Vulcan Gun from 9 lb training Bomb to 2000 lb He and Nukes the the RAAF 1 man in the USA about 10

Note i was also trained in towing Marshaling Refueling and an aircraft electrician on C130 hercules which i could Fit remove Life rafts dingies drop sonoboys and storepedoes as part of SAR

as we say in the RAAF we might not be the Biggest but we are amongst the best
2016-10-17 11:14 pm

60% of all government spending goes to entitlements and social programs. 16% goes to the military.
2016-10-17 7:07 am
Military and border patrol are the only institutions allowed by the Constitution.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:40:51
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