Can Jeb Bush be elected? will he be on the ballot?

2016-10-17 3:01 am
I saw somewhere that he got electoral college votes does that mean he can be elected?

回答 (8)

2016-10-17 3:53 pm
Jeb Bush will not be on the ballot.
2016-10-17 3:16 pm
He's going to have to wait in 2020 to run again.

Although you can write him in if your state allows it.
2016-10-17 3:16 am
He is not the nominee. Donald Trump is the Republican nominee.
2016-10-17 5:15 am
The ignorant, uneducated GOP should have considered him as opposed to Trump, because Bush is way more qualified, TOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LATTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEEEEEE NOWWWWWWW!
2016-10-18 4:51 am
Of course not. It is just 3 weeks until Election Day!
2016-10-17 5:57 pm
No, Jeb Bush isn't running and will not be on any ballot and he certainly doesn't have electoral college votes since those don't occur until the popular votes in all the states have been cast.
2016-10-17 3:12 am
For any Republican to think that it would be a good move to replace Trump now; You got to be kidding me. You are either insane or stupid.
2016-10-17 3:05 am
Unless he is on the ballot in any state, he will not receive any electoral college votes. He received some delegates to the Republican National Convention, but not any electoral college votes.

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