Cure for vaginal numbness?

2016-10-16 8:46 pm
Does anybody have a cure for very low sensation in there? I barely feel a tampon or one of my fingers. And if the cli*oris is
most women's main source of pleasure, why do women do "it?" I've heard a few women even orgasm from penetration (I barely feel it all ☹️️) and don't say clit stim because that hurts.

回答 (3)

2016-10-16 8:50 pm
You do know you're not supposed to feel a tampon?
You are aware you feel movement rather than the object?
You are aware that your obsession still needs psychological help?
2016-10-17 12:02 am
Try a little mint toothpaste on your finger.
2016-10-16 9:17 pm
Our vagina has very little nerve endings. That is not numbness, that is normal. You shouldn't feel your tampons. There are many reasons why women have vaginal sex - pleasure (additional pleasure), different sensation, closeness to partner, pregnancy, etc.

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