Nail in tire very close to sidewall. Fix or change? Help. I have a picture?

2016-10-16 12:54 pm
Should I change the tire or patch it? Close to sidewall

回答 (18)

2016-10-16 3:39 pm
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It is in almost the exact spot as the nail in the middle picture on the right column of the source. That one is non-repairable.
2016-10-16 1:37 pm
If it was my ride I'd just put a camel hair "plug" in it. if you drove on the tire and it was flat you need a new tire. A car dealer replaces a tire if it has a puncture with in 1" of the sidewall. They also have to remove the tire and inspect it because people lie about driving on a tire once it's flat.
參考: Mitsubishi Master Tech
2016-10-16 5:55 pm
Depending on the DEPTH of the nail, it may not be necessary to repair OR replace. It isn't clear the nail penetrated past the tread.
2016-10-16 12:55 pm
It's been weakened/compromised, change it. Those patches always fail in the end, and you would be worried about getting a blow out on the motorway all the time.
2017-01-25 10:42 pm
2016-10-22 8:10 am
That would call for a stop at a shop. Remove tire & put a boot in it.
2016-10-19 2:09 pm
Plug it and see how it goes. Pay close attention to the tire (going down?) for the first few days. You won't get a blowout, but it may go flat again. If the plug doesn't work, you're not out very much.
2016-10-19 3:25 am
A good tire place will tell you the truth if they can fix it or not. Sometimes you can put a plug in it, and it's like a new tire. Sometimes it's in a bad spot and they can't plug it.
2016-10-18 10:37 pm
If it's not leaking, I would leave it alone. If it's leaking, definitely change it... That's a bad spot to repair and in my experience plugs usually end up leaking in that area. I've driven many miles on a tire with a nail still in it that never went flat.
2016-10-17 3:08 pm
Take a look at 100% gaurantee and no damage.
2016-10-17 1:19 pm
Honestly I think it's close enough that a plug only would do it. I had one that was maybe only an 1/8th inch inside of where your's is, and it didn't give me any issues. The tire is getting worn, plug it for a few months while you save up for at least a new pair of tires.
2016-10-17 11:23 am
Replace it.
2016-10-17 6:53 am
replace brah
2016-10-17 4:06 am
1 inch or less from the sidewall, replace it. More than 1 inch, plug it.
2016-10-17 2:47 am
too close to the side wall. it has to be replaced.
2016-10-16 5:37 pm
An inexpensive *plug would safely fix the tire till the tread wears out. Any tire shop will tell you the same thing.
2016-10-16 1:00 pm
In the UK that can only be repaired safely by vulcanising. So it has to go off to a specialist firm. You have to weigh up the cost of this against replacing the tire. If there is a fair amount of tread left it may be worth doing. If not a new tire is needed.
2016-10-16 2:21 pm
replace will not last....believe me
2016-10-16 12:55 pm
Change car

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