In which of the following compounds does the charge cloud arrangement match the molecular shape? 1.PI3 2.SiF4 3 BeCl2 4.H2O 5.BBr3?

2016-10-16 6:18 am

回答 (1)

2016-10-16 11:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
The charge cloud arrangement depends on the number of charges clouds, while the molecular shape depends on the number of bonds (including all single bonds, double bonds and triple bond).
If (No. of change clouds) = (No. of bonds), the charge cloud arrangement matches the molecular shape.
If (No. of change clouds) ≠ (No. of bonds), the charge cloud arrangement does NOT match the molecular shape.

1. PI₃ :
The central P atom has 5 valence electrons. There are 3 P-I single bonds in the molecule, and thus 2 valence electrons are left as a lone pair.
(No. of change clouds) ≠ (No. of bonds)
The charge cloud arrangement does NOT match the molecular shape.

2. SiF :
The central Si atom has 4 valence electrons. There are 4 Si-F single bonds in the molecule, and thus no valence electrons are left.
(No. of change clouds) = (No. of bonds)
The charge cloud arrangement matches the molecular shape.

3. BeCl₂
The central Be atom has 2 valence electrons. There are 2 Be-Cl single bonds in the molecule, and thus no valence electrons are left.
(No. of change clouds) = (No. of bonds)
The charge cloud arrangement matches the molecular shape.

4. H₂O
The central O atom has 6 valence electrons. There are 2 O-H single bonds in the molecule, and thus 4 valence electrons are left as 2 lone pairs.
(No. of change clouds) ≠ (No. of bonds)
The charge cloud arrangement does NOT match the molecular shape.

5. BBr₃
The central B atom has 3 valence electrons. There are 3 B-Br single bonds in the molecule, and thus no valence electrons are left.
(No. of change clouds) = (No. of bonds)
The charge cloud arrangement matches the molecular shape.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 15:43:09
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