正在寫英文履歷, 其中兩句不知怎樣寫, 求協助(財務/會計)?

2016-10-15 1:48 pm
大家好, 我正在寫CV求職,說曾工作的性質,請問這句文法有問題嗎?(必須以名詞開頭,以便能跟我前僱主給我的reference letter內容對上)
1. suggestion of better accounting treatment as as to make financial statements more relevant and reliable
中文意思我是想說某工作任務為:對會計處理會提出更佳的建議,即有些時候我會對GL team的同事處理某recognition 不認同,或是認為是錯誤
2. compilation of company's budget and monthly forecast;
以上是前僱主寫我某一個工作內容,我想補充說明是編制P&L, Balance sheet & Cashflow,總括來說就是full set of financial statement的預算/預製, 我能就這樣在後面補充嗎?
compilation of company's budget and monthly forecast (full set of financial statements)
求幫助, 不想CV裡文法大錯, 小弟英文不好..多謝!

回答 (2)

2016-10-17 3:26 am
1.Suggestion for better management in dealing with accounting reports such as more relevant and reliable financial statements;
2.Compilation of company's budget, monthly financial report and balanced sheet. Yip
2016-10-16 7:23 am
Suggestion to financial solutions for making financial statement more relevant and reliable.
Compilation of full set of financial statement,including company's budget and monthly forecast.

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