Cats or dogs? Why? Have you had the opposite pet?

2016-10-15 10:46 am
Personally, I like cats better. What I mean by like is LOVEEE. I don't really like dogs that much because they require more attention and you have to walk them everyday.

I've had a dog before, and I loved her, but not as much as I love my cat. If I had the option, I'd die in a pile of cats. Yes, I probably sound biased, but I never said you can't sound biased!!

回答 (4)

2016-10-15 12:47 pm
And your point is? Why does it matter what others think?

You're entitled your opinion as others are to theirs.
2016-10-15 10:55 am
If you died in a pile of cats, they would eat you.
2016-10-15 12:46 pm
I don't like cats. They are arrogant, can't he trained, are destructive, track dirty litter all over (even if you scoop it regularly, they are still walking aroumd in their own fecal matter), they claw up stuff, show no affection.
I'll stick to dogs and reptiles
2016-10-15 11:03 am
I like both but i love my cats. I also got a new puppy recently and i really like him but I probably wouldnt see the point in a dog unless they were smart and trainable enough to be trained not to have behaviour problems, because otherwise they would kind of make your life a misery

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