Is ordering prostiutes allowed in Australia?

2016-10-15 7:06 am
I was just wondering if you where allowed because I didn t want the cops at my door playing a trick, do you just pay them hand in cash? Is there a website you can order them? Thank you for reading

And yes I m eighteen years old, I m almost 19 -

回答 (3)

2016-10-15 10:03 am
do you want prostitutes in your house go to a brothel
2016-10-16 1:26 am
so now you are old enough to check into a hotel
go to the best five star in your area
pick up the phone in your room and dial room service
"hello room service please send up your best prostitute add it to my bill"
2016-10-15 11:11 pm
hire an escort not that hard

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