What will Hillary do about illegal aliens and the border?

2016-10-15 5:37 am

回答 (9)

2016-10-15 5:38 am
Invite them in for cookies and tea and allow them to rape our women with impunity. She will laugh at their victims and say they brought it on themselves with their rape fantasies like she did a 12 year old girl once
2016-10-15 5:50 am
welcome them with open arms..
2016-10-15 5:39 am
Encourage them to bring their friends and neighbors.
2016-10-15 5:38 am
She will get them to cross the border to vote for her.
2016-10-15 5:52 am
Open borders, exposed in the Wikileaks.
2016-10-15 5:39 am
She will send agents J and K down to atomize them.
2016-10-15 5:39 am
She is promoting white genocide
2016-10-15 5:44 am
Well she will do the same thing as Obama was doing. If you look statistically. Obama has sent more illegal aliens back to their countries then when bush was in office. How crazy is that right. Especially from democrats. But if you see democrats are sending illegal aliens back to their countries silently and we don't even know it. Supposly they are supporting them but that's bull s hit. That's only to earn the minority vote since it's so strong. They are smart if you think about it. Obama doesnt like illegal a
Aliens, he knows congress will never ever pass a law to support a reform but he sure did a f ucken great job to earn that minority vote but go ahead and do some research. You will learn a lot from this president. This f ucken Democrat presidents are f ucken clever
2016-10-15 6:40 am
The Democratic way is to take each alien as an individual case and decide what's fair and just to do with that person.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:39:41
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