Do You Want Criticism on Your Writing?

2016-10-15 4:53 am
I have a Facebook group that I recently made named "Manuscript Critique". I'll approve you momentarily if you wish to join. The concept behind it is that you get two posts a month to post your manuscript of any reasonable length, and the rest of the members of the group will comment, giving their opinions. Not only will it expose you to newer styles of writing, possibly inspiring you, but it will allow you to improve your own writing in your journey to be published (if you so wish).

回答 (3)

2016-10-15 2:44 pm
What are your qualifications to critique the work of others? What are the qualifications of the others? By which I mean, how is this going to be any improvement over Wattpad, which is awful?

The fact of the matter is that critiques from people whose skill levels are less than the writer's, who do not read their genre, who are not well-read in general, and who do not yet have a lot of life experience are of little value to the writer.

That's why I wouldn't presume to critique a western, science fiction, literary fiction, or a screenplay. I've read some, but not enough to spot derivative works or to know what's been done to death.

I've been in a face-to-face critique group for many years. We've found that it works for all members only if everybody's skill levels are more or less equal. When we've added someone who's lower on the learning curve and doesn't read the genre widely, the more seasoned writers can help them, but the new writer cannot help anybody. They are literally a time-suck, taking up 50% or 75% of the group's time and effort while being only 10% or 20% of the membership.

Sorry, I know it's not what you hope to hear. I wish you luck finding members whose skill levels are all on a par, but that's really difficult.
2016-10-15 8:07 am
Great Idea but copy rights come into play and it will become a place to steal ideas.......Nice thought there thou....
2016-10-15 5:53 am
I think Facebook is evil. I don't want anyone who uses that thing like it is real life to read anything. I mean anything! That I make. I don't even care that my father is on that site and I never met him before. I'd rather die. I don't need anyone from that site to tell me anything. I hate people. They will just destroy what little hope I have to live.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:15:47
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