Getting a dog for the first time! AND NEED INFORMATION!?

2016-10-14 10:31 pm
So I ve done A LOT of research and just need some advice from REAL dog

(Hypoallergenic female Maltese)

How old should it be for a first time owner,
what do I need to get, cost, how often does it need a check-up, does it need vitamin, teeth cleaning, HELP ME PLEASE!


回答 (9)

2016-10-14 10:33 pm
Minimal age 8-12 weeks. Unless you don't want to deal with potty training and sleepless nights, then get one at least 6 months
2016-10-14 10:34 pm
If you go to Amazon or Ebay you can buy Gwen Baileys book Perfect Puppy, its a good guide to how to rear and train a puppy.
I also recommend a book on First Aid for Dogs, and pet health insurance.
Pick a company that will pay the vet directly, and if you can afford it go for a Life policy that will continue to pay out no matter what. Or find a vet that offers their own insurance.

Puppies need regular worming, flea treatment and vacines until they are about 16 weeks old. If you are in the USA they then need the Rabies vaccine. They also need booster vaccines once a year. the first set costs around £60, then its about £30 a year. Worming and flea treatments can cost £5 or so a month. IF oyu use a product called Revolution , it covers amost parasites and offers prevention against heartworm.

Learn how to use your vet and work with them. Pick a good one and stick with them.
2016-10-15 12:34 am
research research research research the breed , research health care , research how to feed , research potty training , potty training is t the dogs ..... research research in books and on line
2016-10-14 11:09 pm
It surely doesn't sound as if you have done much research. First thing off the top, there is no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog. All dogs have dander which causes the allergic reaction in people. It is in their saliva and urine as well as their coats. Don't take any puppy of less than a full 8 weeks old, no matter what. Get it into puppy classes right away. See if Sirius Puppy Classes are in your area ( because you're going to NEED them. These classes will teach you how to stop the puppy biting, how to teach the pup to sit, lay down, stand, come when called, stay and walk on a leash without pulling plus two tricks of your choosing, and help with all your questions. In the very beginning, you need the same puppy food as the breeder was feeding the puppy, a ball, a squeaky toy and some kind of 100% edible chew. You'll need to know how to housebreak the dog so you can start the same day you bring the puppy home. I strongly urge you to get a book and to carefully follow the directions. Try "Way to Go" from decent dog food should have all of the vitamins and everything else a puppy needs. You don't need to add vitamins or supplements. The breeder will provide you with the information about when the next shots are due. Stay on schedule and don't miss any or you may have to start all over. If you brush your pet's teeth using dog toothpaste (ONLY, since human toothpaste is poisonous to dogs) you won't need as many teeth cleanings. Generally, a once a year check-up is enough unless the dog seems ill or otherwise not right. Buy only from a breeder who has done all of the health clearances on the parents of the puppies. These should include but not be limited to checking the patellas. A slipping patella is painful and can cost $1,500 or more to repair. You want a pet wihose parents both have excellent patellas. Make a weird noise when the pup is not looking at you. Only move your mouth when you do it. See if the puppy turns to look. Many all white dogs are all or partly deaf. Check before you buy. Get a really good reference book on the Maltese dog and another on symptoms of illness in dogs.. If the power goes out and you can't look anything up online and your dog is acting strangely, you can look it up in the books,. Get your pet to a vet for a check-up within 72 hours of purchase (24 hr. are better) to make sure everything seems okay. If the puppy is ill or something is seriously wrong, you can return it for a refund within 72 hours only. Start brushing and combing the puppy every day before it needs it. Make a game of it. The puppy won't like it at first but you must persevere. Brushing and combing must be a part of the pup's every life for as long as it lives. You can't have it groomed before it is 4 months old and has had its rabies shot. Try to see both parents before you commit to buying. Look for drippy eyes, limping, bare patches, excessive scratching, holding the head tilted, and anything else that is not quite right.
2016-10-15 3:56 pm
Stop spamming you've been given numerous answers, sounds like your not ready for the responsibility of dog ownership yet.

No dog should be given supplements or anything else unless vet recommended and/or prescribed. If you feed it a complete/balanced diet properly there is no need for supplements.

The better the dental hygiene provided by the owner the less chance of needing a professional cleaning, which is expensive. Your vet will advise you of the condition of your dogs teeth at the routine yearly dental exam.

NO such thing as a Hypoallergenic dog, period.
2016-10-14 10:38 pm
Try the local pound. You could always save a animal's life.
2016-10-15 12:15 am
You should bring your dog to the vet around every 6 months just for a check-up and any additional times if they get sick or if something is worrying you. My dogs have teeth cleanings once a year, but it is not needed. You could just get a doggy toothbrush and dog toothpaste and you'd be fine. A puppy would be best for a first time owner as adult dogs could have problems from earlier in their life (I think I answered this question on another one of your posts). They don't need vitamins, just their food really, or if you want to give her treats (you should if you will be teaching her tricks or training her for something). We give our dogs wet mix-in in their food, which you can buy from Petsmart or really any pet store around you. If she starts throwing up or having diarrhea, just make some rice and mix it into her food (puppies seem to do this more often than adult dogs). You should get a crate if you want to crate train, but I would not suggest that for her whole life (it will make her life pretty boring if she's just in a crate all the time). We had our dogs in crates for about 4 months and then they could roam the house, once we trusted them of course. Toys are a must to keep her entertained (and its cute). Hope I helped at least a little bit!
2016-10-14 11:04 pm
well I used to own a dog and I've taken care of my grandmothers dogs a lot however I wouldn't recommend getting a purebred dog they tend to have shorter lifespans best age to get one for a starting owner depends you could get a puppy after it has moved on to puppy chow only thing is they will most likely chew a lot and will be very playful and you will have to house brake it (teach it to use the restroom outside instead of in the house) and when you work on that keep an eye on it and learn the signs and if it starts going inside or it does go inside don't fuss at it that will only scare the dog just clean it up but when it goes outside give it a puppy treat so it knows that is the right thing. get it some puppy chow and the cost depends you cant just get one and expect the dog to eat it each one has a different flavor to the dog and some the dog might not like while others it does and a little tip give it a small amount of table food like eggs and cooked chicken and cooked beef just no chocolate (no matter what the vet says) for some reason before they said table food made dogs sick (which it doesn't) everyone used to feed their dogs table food mixed in with dog food and the dogs wouldn't have worms as much and wouldn't get them as bad if they did when it comes to teeth cleaning dog bones and the denta sticks as for the vet once when you get her then once every few months for a checkup (don't forget getting her fixed if you don't want puppies) unless she gets sick naturally and another tip when it comes to giving her pills don't mix it in her food they will catch on and eat around it ball it up in some raw ground beef the vitamins unless the vet gives you some don't worry but if the dog starts eating out of the trash its not telling you the trash tastes better than the food its trying to get some vitamins it isn't getting from its food so see what its eating and get those vitamins in a powder a mix it with the food
2016-10-14 11:01 pm
First always make sure you understand the breeds needs and are able to meet them. Talk to owner and breeds . When it comes to buying your puppy make sure buy from reputable breeder. A puppy should never leave it's mum before 8 weeks . Always meet the breeder at their home and make sure you see the mum with the puppies. Owning a dog is not cheap. They need vaccinations every year , worming, flea treatments and atleast once a year health check. Vet bills can be expensive so pet insurance is a good idea. Maltese need regular trips to groomer about every 6 weeks. If they are feed healthy nutrients diet shouldn't need vitamins. You should clean their teeth daily with dog toothpaste.Having a puppy is fun but it is a huge amount of work. Like having a toddler in the house. It means sleepless night, pees and poos in the house and chewing anything they can get in their mouth. It takes a lot of patients raising a puppy. Dog ownership is very rewarding but it is a huge lifelong commitment .

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