How can I use my Rokinon Cine M43 mount lenses on the Red Raven which has an EF mount? I can't seem to find any M43 to Canon body adapters.?

2016-10-14 10:01 pm
Speedbooster would be optimal because of the RR crop since it is not a S35 sensor

回答 (4)

2016-10-14 10:26 pm
No, you won't find any useful adapters from M43 to Canon EF because the register distance on EF is too deep to permit an adapter to almost any other system unless the adapter includes optical correcters. They in turn tend to be of low optical quality and even the best will reduce contrast and adversely affect the effective aperture.

There are some adapters available without optical correction but they will not allow infinity focus and usually don't permit any electromechanical coupling between the lens and the body.
2016-10-15 2:22 am
You cannot put M43 lenses on EF or EF-S mounts because M43 lenses required a much shorter focusing distance to be able to focus properly. Plus the image circle from M43 lenses is much smaller than APS-C or 35mm format sensors. The Metabones Speedboosters are designed to convert a larger image circle down to the smaller M43 size. But as of yet, there are no adapters that will increase the size of the image circle so that it can be used with a larger-format camera.

For these reasons you can go from EF or EF-S to M43, but you cannot go the other way around.
2016-10-15 12:16 am
It's more common the other way around because the lens index of the M43 mount is shorter than the EF mount. That means, what you are looking for is either rare or non-existent if I'm not mistaken. If ever there is one, it will need an optical element to allow focus to infinity. That extra element would severely degrade optical quality. Worse, the M43 lens won't be able to cover the entire digital sensor of the camera. What you will get are small images with ugly, large, dark and fuzzy borders.
2016-10-14 10:01 pm

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