What do you think of this situation. be HONEST?

2016-10-14 7:28 pm
My roommate and I live in 480ft2 apartment 2 bed / 1 bathroom with 4 animals. (her 3 dogs and my 1 cat) We already dont have the best roommate relationship mostly because how inconsiderate she is towards me, and not very well mannered,e.g. plays music really loud even at 2am when she comes back home drunk, leaves dirty dishes in sink. Anyway I will move as soon as my lease is up in 6 months.

She is getting surgery just told me her dad and brother are going to move to the couch until she recovers, I am so stressed out right now we can hardly move in the apartment the two of us not sure whats going to happen sharing the only 1 bathroom, two more people and the 4 animals, we dont even have a full kitchen as the apartment its too small :(

回答 (4)

2016-10-14 8:10 pm
State law and your lease determine whether another person can move in, and how many people.

If state law forbids it, that's it. Notify the landlord and let them deal with telling her this is not permitted. If the law allows it and the lease forbids it, again, it's up to the landlord to enforce the contract.
2016-10-14 7:38 pm
I doubt the landlord will approve of this, speak to them
2016-10-15 6:01 pm
Only the landlord can decide who can live in the apartment. Your roommate will need to file for permission with the landlord before here father and brother move in. If she doesn't, the landlord can evict her, them or all of you.

It sounds like your roommate is trying to get you to leave. In these situations it is best to realize you are dealing with an inconsiderate, unreasonable and possibly insane A hole and just leave. I know this choice is frustrating but in the end you will find yourself happier to be rid of them.
2016-10-14 8:48 pm
Suggest that SHE move temporarily to her dad's and brother's house - that would make more sense anyway. (In any case, why would it take TWO people to take care of her post-op? Is she really... obese... and two people are required to turn her over?)

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