Why am I treated more poorly by people who are struggling to get by? I come from money and inheritance.?

2016-10-14 6:09 pm
So When I was younger I only used to hang out with people who came from the same social economic class as I did. I never experienced bitterness or a cold shoulder. When I got older I decided to broaden my circle and try to be friends with people who were less fortunate. Real blue collar people who came from nothing or worked paycheck to paycheck.

I dont' know why but I experienced people who really treated me with bitterness. Why?

回答 (6)

2016-10-14 8:04 pm
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People like that are just like that. New money is the same way, WAY rude. Old money are nicer, more considerate, more like real people. Poor people look down on us because they think we never had to lift a finger for anything and new money looks at us the same way because they think they're better than us. If you have to make friends with the poor and new money just pretend like you're poor or new money too. If it suits you, make friends with more old money. All my closest friends and i are old money, first glance we don't have a dime to our name though.
2016-10-14 6:11 pm
I suspect it's because you come across as stuck up and condescending, like you do here in your details.
2016-10-14 8:01 pm
Honestly, this kind of treatment can come from BOTH classes, you just hit on it the way you did. Sooner or later the SAME THING would have happened from the UPPER class also. Mistreatment exists across ALL spectrums of society unfortunately. Hope this helps a little. Best wishes.
參考: John - counselor, 25 years.
2016-10-14 7:11 pm
You said it yourself.. They are bitter. They were not given the upper hand in life. I'm quite jealous of people who are given opportunities I have not, but at the same time I know I've earned what I've got. That's a good feeling, too. To do something all on your own
2016-10-14 6:43 pm
They resent you.
2016-10-14 6:27 pm
That strengthens the quote "do not judge a book by the cover." And sad to say it works both sides of the economic bracket.

Poor people automatically are borderline bitter, when they see others who are wealthy, taking their fortunes for granted, and on top of that, think that rich people do not have a clue as to what they throw out as garbage, food, clothes, cars and overhead expenses, that a poor person would have to stretch it for a couple more wearings.

Having said this, I commend your observance and would not take it as an offense, but use it to make ways, to befriend these people, by other means than what you have proven does not work.

You did not say who these people are, be they relatives (poor ones), friends, acquaintances, etc.

Even Jesus Himself said, "the poor you have with you always."

Sometimes actions does speak louder than words, and finding creative ways to change their view about "rich" people can be the best way for both sides.

One Sunday morning, went for a coffee with mate, and we are not rich, but not poverty line, it was early in the morning, and the car in front of us, a convertible, sat at the order area for quite a while since there were no one around except us and the car.

So I was wondering why didn't they order, after we entered the ordering line, the car went on and when we realized it, we came to pay for our order, and the cashier told us the person in the convertible had paid for it for us.

Now this was not a lot of money, however, the action of the person made my day for the whole day and humbled me somewhat.

Little things, can make people see who we are, even though it takes a while and not expecting too much in return.

If you have a true heart for others, then little things you do, or say, or act can make them see one rich person who is not "bourgeois" and make them realize that we are all the same more or less.

Then you may end up in their company and learn more about these people and why they act the way they do, since it does not justify their actions towards you, but explains it.

We all do put on our pants or shoes one foot at a time, and not all that different, reaching out in small ways can help to change the dialogue.

Blessings to you.

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