Temperature of gas?

2016-10-14 3:42 pm
0.8 mole of ozone is observed to occupy 0.30 L volume under 37 atm pressure. Calculate the temperature of the gas using van der Waals equation (a = 2.57 L^2-atm/mol^2, b = 0.0244 L/mol)

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2016-10-14 4:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
For the ozone :
P = 37 atm
V = 0.30 L
n = 0.8 mol
a = 2.57 L² atm/mol²
b = 0.0244 L/mol
R = 0.0821 L atm / (mol K)

[P + (n²a/V²)] (V - nb) = nRT
Hence, T = [P + (n²a/V²)] (V - nb) / (nR)

Absolute temperature, T
= [37 + (0.8² × 2.57 / 0.30²)] (0.30 - 0.8 × 0.0244) / (0.8 × 0.0821) K
= 236 K

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