in 200 words or so explain why we should vote, specifics please?

2016-10-14 2:58 pm

回答 (8)

2016-10-14 3:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you shouldn't vote in this election unless its for third party. Obvious a third party wont win the the more votes the get, the more media recognition they get meaning more choices than just two in future elections. the only reason who keep hearing the media hound you to vote is because studies show that low voter turnout means republicans usually win.Their fan base is more enthusiastic about politics so they tend to vote more then democrats. Plus with all this pre voting nonsense, Hillary wants lazy Democrats/independents to pick her now and forget about waiting until November when they could change their minds
2016-10-14 3:05 pm
Why you shouldn't vote for Hillary:

Sure Trump is a jerk, but Hillary is worst. She is the Hansel and Gretal witch. When you want a clear answer from her as POTUS, she will blow off the media. She will tell people one thing and do another. As if an "let me convince you that I'm right and your wrong" with a smile temperament is better.

Good luck with your choice America
2016-10-14 3:29 pm
Do your own homework - in 200 words or so. Be specific.
2016-10-14 9:39 pm
America is a nation "of the people, for the people, by the people" voting is one of the most important ways that we contribute to how our nation is run. Not voting when you are eligible, is the same as voting for the winner, because you did nothing to stand up for yourself.
2016-10-14 3:00 pm
People shouldn't vote
2016-10-14 3:00 pm
I don't need 200. The reason I vote is because the women in my family and my ancestors fought for the right to vote. I am not giving it up for anyone.
2016-10-14 3:00 pm
Do your own homework, lazy punk.
2016-10-14 2:59 pm
Nice try. No one is going to write your essay for you. Do your own homework.

Then what the hell is question about.

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