Can men wear mini skirts?

2016-10-14 3:39 am

回答 (146)

2016-10-14 4:55 am
2016-10-15 2:28 am
I don't think that men should be afraid of wearing women's clothes. It's not as if women's clothing has magical powers to make you gay. I know a girl who likes to dress her boyfriend up, and then go out on dates like that.

Yes, men can wear mini skirts, dresses, or anything else they want. It doesn't hurt anyone.
2016-10-14 3:51 am
But it's against most/all societies' general views of what a men should wear.
2016-10-14 3:32 pm
i think men can wear skirts now! Jaden Smith looks great in one. I wear jean skirts out on occassion and the sky has not fallen. Just be decent and modest and it is a cool look on a guy. :-)
2016-10-14 3:46 am
2016-10-16 4:33 pm
You bet they can! Men have worn short skirts (today's mini and micro mini skirts) throughout time far longer than women have dating past the Roman empire. A skirt makes more sense for a male to wear than a female based on anatomy alone... no freaking crotch binding inseams, cooler than shorts on a hot day and if really short freedom of movement is simply outstanding and something guys have never experienced or they would wear them for running, hiking and sitting.
Lets get this straight about kilts... A kilt IS a Skirt by definition so get over it. Call it what it is.
Top clothing designers are trying to put men back into skirts and say there are no reasons no to. Guys who are not sexist, homophobic, or insecure that try on a mini skirt on a summer day aren't likely to give it up. If you have issues you are not likely to ever try on a short skirt.... women know this and that is the reason why guys willing to rock a mini skirt get far more action than the jocks... women find them "intriguing"! They know he isn't gay (gays don't wear skirts except in movies, etc. for an effect). The chicks also don't want to waste their time on sexist insecure guys who will try dominate them.
See these guys in skirts and note they still look like guys just as women in pants still look like women: and Obviously these look like guys and are NOT cross dressing to look like women.
Yes, guys will have the exact same issues women have with a flash now and then so wear undies = nothing to see so no problem.
Men and women answering negative here tend to have closed minds or issues already mentioned. It would be nice to see people wear what they want since clothing has no gender. Designers say there are only two pieces of clothing that are sex specific... the bra and makes no sense for the other gender to wear these! (they have issues).
Short skirts (12" or less) are perfect for guys to run, hike and sit in. (Some men's running shorts are micro mini length at 10" long so no big deal).
How could anyone have an issue with this guy in a skirt at the beach?
2016-10-14 3:50 am
why not? you do you!
2016-10-15 9:42 am
Well! one day maybe this will also become a fashion "men wearing mini skirts" . Every new thing is opposed initially but people get use to it later. For example, when fashion shows were started first it was opposed strongly but not anymore . This is applicable for everything in this world.
2016-10-14 11:10 am
ye go 4 it boi
2016-10-14 12:12 pm
With a nice pair of heels yes.they can look good.
Go for it
2016-10-16 3:24 am
Yes. They can. In most places it would be weird- completely against social norm- but men can wear mini skirts- gay or not, wear what you like and feel good in. Clothing is a form of self-expression. (If you are asking for yourself or someone you know) just be prepared for looks, snickers and maybe name-calling ( >:( ). The only thing I ask is that while mini is cool, try to make sure everything is covered. Girls (myself included) have problems walking up stairs without flashing. Just beware of the response you might solicit. Love and hugs <3
2016-10-18 12:07 am
No, that would look gay and effeminate. Straight males don't wear mini skirts, except kilts worn as tradition, which technically aren't mini skirts.

But whether we like it or not, it's 2016 and those LGBT hipsters will always continue to push cross-dressing into the mainstream one step at a time, like they did with men's skinny jeans in 2005.

I give it 'til 2030 before fake rappers go from skinny jeans and small clothes to actual mini skirts. Then cross-dressing will be mainstream...

I hate the 21st Century... -_-
2016-10-16 4:01 am
Yes, they can wear whatever they want
2016-10-14 10:11 pm
Yeah sure
2016-10-14 3:41 am
of course. what's gonna happen if you do? be proud of yourself (:
2016-10-16 9:03 am
There is certainly no legal reason why they shouldn't, though it would be wise to take certain precautions.
If the gentleman is particularly well endowed, then a well fitting jock strap should be invested in for the sight of a male protuberance hanging below the skirt level could be rather upsetting to some young ladies of a sensitive nature.
Wouls also suggest that it would be a good idea for the person concerned to ensure that they are capable with their 'dukes', as certain areas vary as regards their tolerance of way out fashions.
2016-10-15 3:56 pm
I think no one should wear a mini skirt.
2016-10-14 11:12 pm
how can that be possible for a man to wear a mini skirt
2016-10-15 2:41 pm
Is not advisable for men to start wear mini skirts
2016-10-18 10:01 pm
Not unless they don't mind some kind of physical beating.
2016-10-18 12:36 pm
Men used to wear skirts way back in ancient Rome and what not so men wearing skirts used to be normal not sure when that stopped being a thing
2016-10-17 6:15 am
2016-10-17 2:10 am
Yes, wear what you want as long as you have clothes on you.
2016-10-16 5:11 am
I don't see why they can't! It looks cute lol
2016-10-16 3:04 am
Yes they can
2016-10-15 7:02 pm
Yeah but personally i wouldnt
2016-10-14 3:50 pm
If they really want to, yes
2016-10-14 2:37 pm
of course. wear whatever the hell you like
2016-10-14 1:58 pm
Why not if thats what they want to wear go ahead. Just be careful how you sit.They are great to wear especially with thigh stockings.
參考: Heleme Helene
2016-10-17 7:54 pm
Yes, but it will result in social awkwardness.
2016-10-16 5:07 pm
Why the hell not! Wear what you like and screw what others think.
2016-10-16 4:35 am
You can wear whatever you like.
2016-10-15 5:00 pm
Sure why not, or if you like doing things like that you can just stay home and wear it around the house or for your girlfriend, it could be a turn on...just saying.
2016-10-14 6:00 pm
Yes :) Anyone can wear what they want!
2016-10-14 3:58 am
yes but will they?
2016-10-16 6:18 am
No only transgenders.
2016-10-15 3:18 am
of course, idiot. It's called a kilt. some people are so dumb
2016-10-14 3:41 am
I wouldn't recommend it unless your thinking about switching genders. If so go for it!
2016-10-15 5:48 am
No that's weird only women can wear skirts
2016-10-14 2:46 pm
Have you ever seen a man wearing a mini skirt outside???

There's you're answer then....
2016-10-20 5:07 pm
yes! because It's the other people desire
2016-10-19 4:05 am
Yes they can. The man will most likely have to deal with someone disapproving of it though.
2016-10-18 3:33 am
Hell yeah, clothes have no gender.
2016-10-18 1:51 am
Men can wear whatever men want to wear.
2016-10-18 12:42 am
Sure I wear girls/women jean most of the time.
2016-10-17 3:11 pm
They can, but depending on the country they live, they will be judged.
2016-10-17 12:22 pm
Yes absolutely. There should be no problem in wearing women clothes. One should be allowed to do whatever they like as long as they are not harming others.
2016-10-17 8:14 am
Yeah (:
2016-10-17 8:11 am
Do it
2016-10-17 4:15 am
Yes. They can wear whatever they please.
2016-10-17 12:17 am
I don't see why not I mean if I saw a man wearing a skirt I would probably wonder why they're wearing a skirt but then I would get over it nothing big they are not hurting anyone
2016-10-16 11:27 pm
2016-10-16 10:42 pm
hell yeah
2016-10-16 10:11 pm
2016-10-16 4:36 pm
2016-10-16 8:01 am
Yes if that's what they choose.
2016-10-16 6:23 am
Men should be able to wear anything they want to wear
2016-10-15 11:28 pm
I think so, yeah.
2016-10-15 8:51 pm
Of course you can I see guys wear skirts all the time, you should wear whatever you feel good in no matter what anyone says.
2016-10-15 7:17 pm
2016-10-15 12:08 am
Um sure
2016-10-14 9:13 pm
Ever heard of a kilt?
2016-10-14 9:12 pm
if they want to
2016-10-14 3:16 pm
they could
2016-10-17 1:57 pm
Men should be able to wear whatever the fk want, its a free country
2016-10-17 1:39 am
2016-10-17 12:14 am
Yeah I wear them
2016-10-16 7:52 pm
Definitely! If it makes the man feel comfortable, go ahead!
2016-10-16 7:18 pm
2016-10-16 2:41 am
2016-10-16 2:05 am
Do what makes you happy :)
2016-10-15 4:59 am
All hongkongese pigs are sheman pigs.
2016-10-17 10:03 pm
Oh hell no, this is what is wrong with this generation.
2016-10-16 11:49 pm
Yea they're called Kilts.
2016-10-16 8:31 pm
That's gay and its against god's almighty word...
2016-10-16 1:08 am
If they want to embarrass themselves.
2016-10-14 4:14 pm
why not, bruce/caitlyn Jenner does !!!i
2016-10-14 3:41 am
You will get kicked in the genitals.
2016-10-14 3:40 am
in the fashion industry yes, but i wouldn't recommend it, people would judge you in many ways.
2016-10-16 5:40 pm
that would be gay and disgusting, mini skirts are made for girls to show off their sexy legs!
2016-10-15 9:19 am
No not real men
2016-10-15 12:21 am
They can but it would't be appropriate to wear in public.
2016-10-14 11:38 pm
2016-10-14 11:32 pm
Only if they want to reallly, really be laughed at by the general public and the local cops.
2017-03-23 11:24 am
Just an item of clothing and still is worn by men in many countries, a sarong is a skirt yet males in Asia, Pacific will wear it so whats the big deal honestly. Just make sure acceptable length of coverage and wear undies. If you wear cargo, denim, tartan, leather as a start hardly anyone will will even take notice and will look like a pair of shorts anyway, a pink satin mini with hello kitty on it, then obviously expect a few giggles and comments.
2017-02-02 5:54 pm
never wear any long dress or skirt because of my level, you are made by it look shorter and fatter.
2017-01-05 10:56 pm
of course you can i see guys wear skirts all the time, you should wear whatever you feel good in no matter what anyone says...
2016-11-09 6:16 am
i think no one should wear a mini skirt...
2016-10-23 1:01 am
Can we? Yeah. Should we? Definitely not.
2016-10-19 7:23 am
Only after you been circumcised
2016-10-19 5:45 am
They can if they want but they might be judged.
2016-10-19 1:43 am
If Scrooge McDuck did, then why not
2016-10-18 7:03 pm
No one can stop them, so why not?:))
2016-10-18 6:14 am
Men can wear whatever makes them happy but they're friends might make fun of them and hurt they're ego ...
2016-10-17 6:43 pm
you do you
2016-10-17 5:20 pm
If you want to but i wouldnt
2016-10-17 4:19 pm
I see no big deal
2016-10-17 11:23 am
I think men can wear a mini skirt if he is not a men or women. If he or she in common gender he or she obviously wear a mini skirt.
2016-10-17 7:22 am
Little skirts. Of course.
2016-10-17 5:37 am
in an open society where everything is considered as freedom except humanity, one can wear everything. so, shorts for men is not a big deal
2016-10-17 5:24 am
2016-10-17 4:01 am
they are physically capable of it yes, but idk if they want to
2016-10-17 2:27 am
They "can," but the real question is "should" they?
2016-10-17 1:45 am
just run
if they
get tight
yeee haw!
2016-10-17 1:07 am
yeah offcourse men can wear any thing, we are at our liberty in this planet earth untill we cause no harm to others in the sameplanet
2016-10-16 8:51 pm
2016-10-16 7:11 pm
2016-10-16 5:13 am
ya boi
2016-10-15 11:33 pm
Of couse....and they can also take up post in the bottom of dark cupboards or closets to savour the sensuousness of it all.
2016-10-14 5:50 pm
yes if u r not afraid if it is pulled by air
2016-10-20 6:27 pm
I don't even like it when girls ware those
2016-10-20 3:29 pm
No because girls could see your panties.
2016-10-19 12:07 pm
O fcourse not, you're a male, males don't wear female clothes because it's wrong
2016-10-19 6:50 am
If they have a vagina
2016-10-18 4:05 pm
in my opinion, skirts are only thing women used to contribute, and especially for women, not for boys but some boys like to wear it
2016-10-18 5:35 am
No. We should not be wearing that.

If you are a man, then be a man. And don't use the "It's 2016" excuse because it won't work with me. If it was wrong in the past, then it is still wrong today.

Transgenderism is sick. And it is sin.
2016-10-17 10:30 am
No its not looks good it match only for girls
2016-10-17 1:10 am
2016-10-16 11:49 pm
yes, but it's weird
2016-10-16 8:42 pm
2016-10-16 12:08 pm
doesnt stop gay hookers
2016-10-16 10:03 am
They can but it would look ridiculous...
2016-10-16 7:53 am
if you asre ok with getting made fun of
2016-10-15 11:48 pm
sure, if you're a transvestite.
2016-10-15 10:02 pm
no sorry your lad might fall out
2016-10-15 9:08 pm
"can"? Of course. "should"? No way.
2016-10-15 7:14 pm
No cause your dick is gonna be out lmao
2016-10-15 5:46 pm
can? sure. there's no law against it. should? not too wise unless ridicule is sought by the wearer.
2016-10-15 4:25 pm
The man who have nature like a girl he suppose to be wear skirt.
2016-10-15 2:01 pm
2016-10-15 10:46 am
2016-10-15 6:16 am
2016-10-15 5:01 am
2016-10-14 10:30 pm
Yes they can if they want to look stupid
2016-10-14 9:38 pm
no. don't.
2016-10-14 8:30 pm
It would be vulgar
2016-10-14 8:07 pm
2016-10-14 4:58 pm
2016-10-14 3:50 pm
2016-10-14 1:22 pm
2016-10-14 8:51 am
2016-10-14 7:37 am
of course not...
2016-10-16 12:43 pm
Yeah if you want to look like a damn fool!
2016-10-15 2:07 pm
Of course not.
2016-10-15 4:27 am
yes if you cut your penis and wear panties and thong...and leotard...and use pads when you are on your monthly..
2016-10-14 5:50 pm
2016-10-16 3:43 am
If ur transgender or want to be a trendsetter sure
2016-10-14 1:19 pm
Sure. Not many women will find it attractive, but they can if they want.

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