My boyfriend is starting to treat me like **** but maybe i was the cause, should i stay or leave?

2016-10-14 2:32 am
My boyfriend and I are going to six months, but the problem is that he is starting to make me ask myself why we're even together. I admit at the beginning of the relationship, i would take advantage of him because i thought he was always gonna beg me and be all sweet. Sadly whenever we get in an arguement now, he acts like he doesn't care about my feelings and threatens to break up with me. I feel like i was such a ********* that he's already at his limit. Is it my fault, oh my gosh what do I do? *No i don't want to lose him.

回答 (3)

2016-10-14 2:35 am
If he treats you like **** you should probably break things off with him, because thats just who he is. If you stay with him, his behaviour will never change, even if he says it will, trust me it won't. Human nature never changes. At first he was obviously nice and everything but as you got closer to him his true colours showed. Its just who he is trust me.
參考: Studied Psychology
2016-10-14 2:41 am
It takes some people about 6 months to find out they REALLY ARE NOT compatible.
I think that is what you are finding out, but you want TO FORCE IT to work.
It won't. You're gonna hate that you wasted all that time FORCING
something that was NOT meant to be.
2016-10-14 2:36 am
He has low self esteem.He cant justify you being with him.Do him a favour and agree with him.Break up.

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