Are you prolife or pro choice and why (please give some details to support your option) thanks!?

2016-10-13 11:06 pm

回答 (4)

2016-10-13 11:20 pm
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I'm pro-choice. Fortunately I have something more substantial than the "her body her choice" argument (which is valid, but it fails to appeals to a higher ethic). I am pro-choice for 2 reasons. 1. It provides population control, and decreases the likelihood of an emotionally or physically screwed up child (due to unready/unwilling parents). 2. Because aborting a fetus allows a mother and father to decide whether or not they can actually raise the child in a healthy environment.
2016-10-22 3:16 am
Pro life Abortion is murder and so is the death penalty. I am against both.
2016-10-13 11:13 pm
Prolife. Life begins at conception. The life is an innocent individual child. Society should not take the life of an individual child. For those who think its not murder: taken to the extreme, If all pregnancies were aborted, humanity would be extinct in a single generation. We are killing people with abortion.
2016-10-13 11:22 pm
I am pro choice because lets face it, if abortion centers are closed down, women will still do home abortions, which are cruel. So let them choose!
2016-10-13 11:16 pm
Pro Choice. I don't like abortion, nobody does, but I don't think I should decide for other people. Let them have the choice.

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