My mom beats me when I do wrong but takes oit overboard I want to call cps but I have 2 sisters 6 and 8. What should I do ? I'm 14?

2016-10-13 10:27 pm

回答 (7)

2016-10-13 10:36 pm
Assaulting a child is completely unacceptable. If you do not take action it will get worse.

You appear to need some serious help, so call 1-800-4ACHILD if in the U.S.A., or Childline (0800 1111) in the U.K. No doubt other countries have similar free phone lines. Canada is 1-800-668-6868, Ireland:
2016-10-13 10:30 pm
Call CPS. Your mother shouldn't beat you. A social worker should contact her and talk to her. Maybe she'll get it through her head she'd better reform.
2016-10-14 3:14 am
Call cps. since you are 14, you can make a request to live with your father or another relative. As for your sisters, if she abuses them too, cps should take them out of the house and move them with a relative or foster care. just a word of caution, cps doesn't always work especially if the abuser has a good lawyer or is good at hiding the abuse by not leaving bruises or cuts.
參考: My family has a similar problem. One of my cousins married a young lady who was pretty nice at first, but suddenly after about 8 years of marriage turned into a psycho bitch. They recently discovered, but the mother somehow got custody of the kids who are now 13 and 11. We get to see her children once in awhile, but she's pretty stubborn, and she somehow found a good lawyer.
2016-10-14 12:29 am
Call cops, it's illegal
2016-10-13 11:54 pm
call cps, before she starts beating your sisters too
2016-10-14 4:45 pm
protect your sisters and yourself
2016-10-13 10:44 pm
just take the beatings so that you have something to masturbate later

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