Hillary or trump?

2016-10-13 10:18 pm

回答 (7)

2016-10-13 10:59 pm
deez nuts
2016-10-13 11:32 pm
2016-10-13 11:02 pm
Hillary Clinton
2016-10-13 10:23 pm
Don't like either, but Clinton at least has political skills and is able to lead the country.
Trump is just a disaster .. he is all show and bravado, and not even a good businessman .. only 1/3 of his ventures have succeeded.
The company I worked for over 28 years had 10 ventures, and 8 of them were highly successful, and the other 2 partially successful.
Trump is just a loser, and now that it is starting to be obvious to the rest of the world, he is psychologically melting down ... a real train wreck.
2016-10-13 10:22 pm
2016-10-13 10:19 pm
2016-10-13 10:18 pm

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