I have been lying to my mom about school and now she found out and i feel very guilty and sad.Help?

2016-10-13 10:10 pm

回答 (4)

2016-10-13 10:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Tell your mother the truth, she's your mom, I'm sure she will understand what ever is going on, just talk it out.
2016-10-13 11:58 pm
just apologize, thats all you can do
2016-10-13 11:35 pm
Well you screwed up and now you have to deal with the consequences. Be honest and apologize to her. That's all I can really say.
2016-10-13 10:11 pm
It's your life but honor your parents, a difficult balance I know, but use your best judgement.

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