What attract you the most to the opposite sex?

2016-10-13 7:43 pm
For me i think that look is important only for first impression but after some time it will become 'minority' a hot guy attracts me but a guy with a strong personality and a good sense of humor will capture my heart:)

回答 (6)

2016-10-13 10:55 pm
I really like seeing a nice pair of legs on a gal. She can be wearing shorts or a dress, but something about seeing a nice pair of legs really turns me on. Even more so than boobs or butt.
2016-10-13 7:53 pm
Smile. I love a warm/slightly bad boy looking smile. I love warm looking eyes. Eyes that can hypnotize me (any color, even a dark brown, has the ability to achieve this. It just depends on eye shape and how the eyes look on the boy). Confidence/outgoing. Can make the first move with confidence. Intelligence. A passion about something, whether it's about a sport, or about math or about building stuff. Whatever. Just show that you have a love for something.
2016-10-13 7:52 pm
2016-10-13 7:50 pm
The opposite sex organs of course.
2016-10-13 7:49 pm
I like a good hairdo. Nothing fancy, but straight hair in a ponytail gets me every time. A good smile is a close 2nd, someone that lights up the room with their smile or eyes.
2016-10-13 7:44 pm

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