how is money the least important reason for the english civil war 1 paragraph?

2016-10-13 7:29 pm

回答 (2)

2016-10-13 7:57 pm
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it was king V Parliament it was initially about money , The king Charles 1st wanted to raise more taxes on an already heavily taxed people to fund his ambitions at war with Holland and his lavish life style Parliament were needed to raise taxes an agreement in the Magna Carta the king needed parliaments agreement to raise taxes that is the money part. Parliament refused they knew it would be extremely unpopular and there may be riots the king was outraged he dismissed parliament which he was entitled to do he sent them home and ruled without parliament for 10 years yes 10 years but now the money again he needed that money desperately now things were falling apart but he could not raise taxes without parliament it was law he recalled parliament and asked again for them to agree taxes he wanted to raise parliament had been dissolved for 10 years a long time in politics is a week they say parliament hadn't sat for 10 years they told the king they would agree to the taxes if he would accept some changes to his sovereignty like dissolving parliament on a whim he flatly refused and met his supporters mostly the aristocracy and decided to declare war on parliament he declared war on his own people parliament were the people this was treason the people were him he was the people he was nothing without them they had to submit to his will or die self destruction treason the civil war began and it is self destruction brother against brother because of one man many disagree but he refused to accept dialogue he created the war he committed treason and was rightly executed no one person is bigger than everybody
2016-10-13 7:33 pm
I'm sure there were less-important reasons. For example, a flea bit a dog in France just before the war started. That was less important a reason than money.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:38:16
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