How to accept aging parents?

2016-10-13 6:14 pm
I am 17 male and i love my parents but this year i feel like my parents have aged a lot. Nothing much but they have changed (kind of) and that makes me sad. Sometimes i look at them and feel that their life will end in the years coming. What should i do?

回答 (6)

2016-10-13 7:56 pm
If they had children 17 years ago, biologically, they cannot age to the point of being anywhere near the end of natural life. You've got nothing to worry about :) sounds like you love your parents very much
2016-10-23 3:16 pm
Lick my azz
2016-10-13 6:33 pm
I have the same problem, what i am doing is every now and then i buy them their favorite candy or something, i am 25 and i still kiss them good night
if they go out i make sure i go out with them ASAP
point is enjoy them while we still can.
maybe when they pass we wont think back and say i should have done ( ) for them
2016-10-13 6:22 pm
Life goes on. Do the best you can & show them you will be a good person after they pass. That will go far, trust me.
2017-01-04 11:00 pm
Ya, they're probably not thrilled about it either. Might be ok to bring it up and talk about.
2016-10-13 6:15 pm
Just wait until they're in their 80's. then the real worry begins.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:37:22
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