If there is a god do you think they are worth worship?

2016-10-13 5:27 am

回答 (9)

2016-10-13 5:40 am
Kind of like asking if a million dollars is worth accepting. Worshipping Him doesn't make His life any better. It makes our lives unbelievably better.
2016-10-14 9:19 pm
if you have a reason to, you should give praise to those worthy.
if you don't believe then do what you will...
2016-10-13 9:05 am
If there is a god, I find him/her/it unworthy to give any attention or praise to. This supposed god allowed our world to live in evil and suffering. Life itself is indeed grand but I would not praise a creator that does not seek happiness for the creation.
2016-10-13 7:38 am
Krishna ♥
2016-10-13 6:06 am
It depends on what this god could do. I don't mean to sound rude, but that's an honest answer. If he heals, and protect children from harm, i would. Children are innocent 😇 , so it breaks my heart when i see them starve to death, or raped or tortured to death. But this is my opinion, so it's no need for anyone to attack me due to my response. But if some must thumb it down or reply with hateful comments, just remember these words. I love my christian stalkers. huggsss
2016-10-13 5:53 am
No. If they can't demonstrate their existence any better than what we have (not) seen thus far, what's there to be worthy of worship?
2016-10-13 5:32 am
Worship? Prob doesnt want to be king. But praised/thanked for what he does... Yes
2016-10-13 5:44 am
no, we should worship you
2016-10-13 5:43 am
Which god? Men have invented thousands of them. How is this god defined? What particular characteristics does this god have?

If it were the God character in the Bible, he is not worthy of worship, and if he were real he would have punished and killed everyone who didn't like him by now, in horrible ways.

If it's a god described as all-powerful, than whether or not you or I think he is worthy of worship is irrelevant--if he wanted to be worshiped, we would have no choice.

But some other god, maybe with a more vague description, it would depend on a mixed consideration of the following:

a) Does this god actually request or demand my worship?

b) Do I have a choice, or is this god coercive? Will he harm me or my family or anyone or anything I care about if I resist?

c) What are the other consequences of my worship? Will anyone else be hurt or harmed, or conversely, helped?

d) What does my worship entail? Do I merely need to pray to him, or am I expected to kill innocent animals, or does my worship mean that I must murder people who do not follow the religion or worship the god.

e) What is this god's character? Is he worthy of my worship? Does he cause significantly more good than harm? Or is he cruel, vain, capricious and arbitrary.

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