Hi 大家好:
回答 (3)
Dear Mentor(Michael):-
Quiz is a competition game in which competitors have to answer vocab questions,a TW Quizlet APP where the mentor gives you a quiz at the end/beginning of the lesson.
Recently mentor you study vocab with Quizlet of APP.You know very well Chinese words into TW. English spellings. But you don t know TW. English vocab translate into Chnese vocab,because you can t understand.
It s alright if you don t know or recognize the meaning of the words written.If you have the Basic 1000 words,your basic knowledge of reading is okay.You can analyse author s idea, context of the article, sentence structure, basic knowledge of the topic/subject.Warning to TW:-Read article slowly, carefully,learn all words by heart;Learn the context."Context is the parts of the piece of writing which surround the word which influence to explain its meaning to the word by you,mentor Michael.".Vocabulary are words known, learnt, used.You got a vocab of about 1000 words with explanations of their Chinese meanings from a TW English dictionary !
The technique to help you is to learn the prefix.In grammar. It is an affix added to the beginning of a word,eg:-understand----misunderstand; climax-----anticlimax, tie------untie, natal-------prenatal.
Then another technique to help you is to learn the suffix. When compared with prefix, it is added to the end of a word, e.g:-kind-----kindness, quick------quickly. venture------venture-some.
Then another technique to help you to learn the words from an article of 1000 words is to look up from the dictionary.Suppose in the article 1000 words you ve eg. 22 words you don t know, try look up from the dictionary.Commit the eg. 22 words to memory,learn them by heart from TW English dictionary
The dictionary is a book that gives a list of words in alphabetical order with their meanings in the same or another language and usually with their pronunciations.We recommend the TW published English dictionary.A book like this will deal with words and phrases concerning your special subjects on reading&writing ; listening&speaking.
The above four methods will increase your mentor s reading .It help you mentor Michael to look at and understand something printed.The mentor can read well now.Read the instructions before you start the Quizlet..Read the difficult words from the dictionary.You can read TW English-- Chinese now.
You need to get some practice at reading round the 22/1000 words from the dictionary before you mentor know the Chinese meaning. You've got a memory like a sieve and often forget words.Memory is an ability to remember words, and you have got a bad memory for the eg. 22 words.You'll get a scolding for being bad memory !Practice makes perfect.
根據英國伯明罕大學所編的Collins Cobuild English Dictionary for Advanced Learners字典所述,口語及非專業文章的用字比例,其中75%的單字屬於常用字,只有1,720個字,另外的20%雖有12,880個字,但我們具備了這基本的一千多個常用單字後,常可從上下文去推敲出那些不認識的單字大概是什麼意思,所以單字並不是閱讀能力的唯一指標,因為我們要看懂文章,主要還是要懂得句構和篇章組織的邏輯關係,以及與主題相關的基本知識。此外,單字放到句子裡,還會有群組的關係,常會因為上下文而發生變化。死抱著單字,閱讀時,可能會見木不見林,忘了好的作者在寫文章時,是會用一些方法來讓我們看懂他的意思為何的。他會分析、說明、舉例等等,不是在考我們單字認識的夠不夠,他不會用一個字就把我們卡死。話說回來,用中文所寫的文章,我們有時也很難看得懂,原因可能是作者文筆太爛了,或許是作者的內容對我們來說太深奧了。這兩者都不是單字的問題。
Louis and Lucas都很有禮貌.但是這種說詞,孟琳不知道已經聽過百次,早就把它當作耳邊風了.
我看 現代的大人 只有用罵的 才會記住教訓的.
很認真的在背單字 就等於 很認真地在 <浪費時間>
夠狠毒了吧! 學語 就只有 4多 1 不要
多讀多寫 多聽多說 不要背
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