Why do you support Hillary Clinton?

2016-10-13 2:23 am
can someone (who is unbiased and not rude about it) tell me why they support Hillary Clinton ?

回答 (7)

2016-10-13 2:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
I support Hillary because I think she is better than Trump. Let me tell you why... Hillary lied about the whole email scandal, but has apolagized and has taken responsability. She has experience with politics. Trump on the other hand says he wants to use nukes, has abused women, hasn't paid his taxes in 18 years, has made fun of people with disabilities, and has judged women my there looks. With the whole Benghazi thing with Hillary it was the people on the field's fault. I believe Trump has no experience. He reminds me of the time when Hitler became powerful. There are many similarities (you should look it up). Trump takes hate and makes people do bad things. It scares me because with him I am scared for minorities and womens rights! If you have watched any of the debates, Trump is unpresidental and interups Hillary. He also doesn't answer the questions and just simply states the problem. The deal is is that he has no plan and ideas that are realistic. Him wanting to ban muslims is everything the constitution. He does not want to do the rights thing. Now, I am not saying Hillary is perfect, but she is much more qualified.
2016-10-13 2:33 am
She has over 40 years of government experience including District Attorney, Public Defender, Congressional Senator, State Senator, Secretary of State, and First Lady to the President of the United States for two terms. The last time she was in the white house America enjoyed the most robust economy we've had in over 100 years.
And you want Trump in there why?
2016-10-13 2:30 am
Hillary is a woman who silenced and threatened rape victims so she could keep her reputations.and now that she is campaigning, she says "every rape victim has the right to be believed." She is despicable. She will do anything for votes. She is a terrible person.
2016-10-13 2:24 am
To keep Trump out of office because he's even worse.
2016-10-13 2:43 am
I don't, because she appears to be sociopathic.
2016-10-13 2:36 am
Because shes not Trump. Only Reason.
2016-10-13 2:50 am
Clinton is difficult to like. She's not particularly feminine or attractive, she's extremely assertive, aggressive, ambitious, calculated, has a ferocious intellect, fights for what she believes in, and all those things are forgivable...even desirable in a man but we don't like them in a woman. I like those qualities very much however in a possible Commander in Chief and particularly in a Chief Executive. Subtract from that her recent email disaster and a dodgy relationship with Wall Street, but then add to that her 4 decades of experience, her understanding of domestic and international policy, her stint as Secretary of State and her deep familiarity with all the players, both at home and abroad, and she comes out as the obvious choice even BEFORE you weigh all that against the alternative: A person who is so odious, so unqualified, so without any leadership qualities that it practically beggars the imagination that he's even running. It's really no contest. I'm a moderate, old-school Republican conservative independent, and if there were anyone else REMOTELY as qualified on the Republican side I would probably go with them in a New York minute, but there isn't. And there ya go.
2016-10-13 2:46 am
Friends of ours who have been democrats thier whole life will not vote for Hillary, they commented on how the democrat party has changed in the last 20 yrs into a anti American party

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