how do you spell "crocaque"?

2016-10-12 8:35 pm

回答 (6)

2016-10-12 8:48 pm
A CROQUETTE is a breaded ball of meat or veggies that is deep fried.

CROQUET is a game in which wooden mallets are used to hit a ball through wickets.
2016-10-13 2:29 pm
I'd need context. I am guessing you mean CROQUET, the game you play on grass with little wooden mallets and balls?
2016-10-13 10:39 am
As written, that word is so far from any normal English word that I do not know what you mean. Please give us a description, so that we can work out which word you mean.
2016-10-12 8:45 pm
2016-10-12 8:36 pm
I don't know what you're trying to spell, but clearly that word is spelled "c r o c a q u e". No idea what it means though.

Ask Google. It can give you some suggestions about what you might be referring to.
2016-10-13 1:19 am
Crochet,a type of needlework
Croquet,a sport
Croquette a food

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