Skills i need to learn in life?

2016-10-12 5:43 pm
Important things like cooking.

回答 (2)

2016-10-12 6:23 pm
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There's only a zillion or so skills adults need to have to manage their lives well.

Money management. Making a budget. Paying bills. Paying taxes. Saving for emergencies. Saving for retirement. Buying a car. Car insurance. Getting health insurance. Getting renter's insurance.

Caring for your health. What foods are healthy and how to cook or prepare them. Getting enough exercise. Avoiding excess alcohol use. Driving safely. When to see a doctor and when to wait to get better. When is sick enough to stay home.

The home. What furniture you need and how much to pay for adequate quality. What do you need besides furniture. (Lots!) Cleaning the house the right way. Cooking. Laundry. Yard care.

Work. How to get along with people you don't like. How to look professional. How to act like a professional. Getting up on time so you're never late. How to find a job. How to move to a better job.

And on and on and on...
2016-10-12 5:47 pm
Budgeting, ironing a shirt, sewing on a button, changing a tire, unclogging a drain. It would be easy to go on.

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