First time Travelling alone?

2016-10-12 3:19 pm
I'm going to be travelling to Birmingham from Wales by myself on Saturday, I have anxiety so I have never been anywhere without my mum so this is a huge step, I'll be getting a coach to Birmingham then getting a taxi where I'll be meeting some friends as I'm sharing a hotel room with them, I'm going to a concert. But my mum is extremely stressed and I'm trying to figure out a way to ease her nerves on that day, there's no one that's available to travel with me so I have to go on my own (I'm 18) but please help me come up with an idea to make it less stressful for my mum, the thought of her stressing and worrying all day makes me sad.

回答 (2)

2016-10-12 4:19 pm
Take pictures and send them to her phone. Her having a photomap of your adventure might calm her down a lot because she'll know where you are and what your stopping points are. Doesn't sound like she's nosy so much as honestly concerned. Which you are too! So the photomap might ease both of you. Time to let that anxiety bloom into excitement!
2016-10-12 3:27 pm
Your Mom is like the rest of us Moms - we are concerned about our kids and want them to be safe. Maybe she's over reacting? Even so, i'm sure she will live through it. You have to worry about yourself. And look at this trip as an adventure for you, not something to get all upset and worried about.

Your mom is a big girl, i'm sure she can take care of herself while you're gone.

Enjoy your trip!

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:39:27
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