HOW R PEOPLE STILL racist, homophobic , sexist/ misogynistic when its 20 FUCCIN 16???!!??!?

2016-10-12 8:34 am

回答 (11)

2016-10-12 8:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
ignorance breeds more ignorance
2016-10-12 1:18 pm
blacks are still monkeys.
2016-10-12 9:06 am
crawl back to your safe space
2016-10-12 8:35 am
natasha i will sniff your p*ssy
2016-10-12 8:42 am
Because humanity has only been around for a comparatively short time, and we're still essentially primitive, ignorant, fearful savages.
2016-10-12 11:22 am
How can people like you be so retarded?
2016-10-12 8:56 am
Well, all these things can actually be explained with two words:

Liberals are racist (whites are demonized and every other race can't be expected to live up to 'white standards' like... not running around raping and killing people) and sexist (feminism, that's all that needs to be said at this point) and Islam (liberals favorite religion) is homophobic and misogynistic to the point of killing the first and treating the second like property.
2016-10-12 8:54 am
YOU are just a non-white racist hypocrite clingling to politically correct hate and dogma that is supposed to make your HATE moral and justified as you sit their and pretend to be "anti racist". disgusting hatemonger is an artifiical propagandist keyword LITERALLY created to try and criminalize dissent to a socio political agenda. it IS a hate word.
2016-10-13 12:20 am
TWEET! Current year fallacy. That penalty is declined.

Appalling spelling and grammar. That penalty is also declined.

Using YOUR OUTDOOR VOICE at YA: 10 yard penalty from the spot of the foul and loss of down.
參考: YAFL: Where pink is not allowed all October
2016-10-12 12:31 pm
It is sufficient if one single genius know this secret. Please try if you can learn and understand this concept. For me, it is confusing my mind.
參考: compiled.
2016-10-12 9:30 am
Because they are poor.

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