Do you believe in 50/50 between men and women when it comes to paying?

2016-10-12 6:28 am
Or are you more old school? Should the man pay more than the woman?

回答 (4)

2016-10-12 9:33 pm
Yes, equality of the sexes
2016-10-12 7:21 am
Who made the invitation to the thing being paid for?
2016-10-12 6:45 am
Old school ova here, but a woman can and should "treat" the bill every so often, on special occasions. This pertains to dining out only. Women can "treat" in many different ways. <wink>
2016-10-12 6:30 am
Don't make dating about money i pay

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:36:02
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