tired in the afternoon when i take zoloft?

2016-10-12 12:45 am
I started taking zoloft/ sertraline about 2 weeks ago and all is well. I was on prozac/ fluoxetine starting in august and it didn't help with my depression at all. There's really no problems with my zoloft right now, but when i take it at 9/930 am, i start to get tired after 6-8hours so roughly 3-5pm i always feel like i need to take a nap, but i'm nervous it'll mess with my sleep schedule. will these symptoms go away on their own, or is there a way i can do an afternoon pick me up so i don't have to rely on caffeine?? any advice? TIA

回答 (3)

2016-10-12 12:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
i've taken some medications for anxiety & depression & they sometimes mess with ur sleeping sometimes, some symptoms onlt happen in he first few weeks but honestly i'd just check in with a doctor
2016-10-12 1:53 am
On all such genuine doubts pertaining to your mental health, you should strictly follow the instructions of a professionally qualified doctor.
參考: own
2016-10-12 1:35 am
Its not Zoloft that's making you tired. Have a dr. test you for anemia and maybe hypoglycemia. Also, adopt a healthier diet.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:35:39
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