Does anyone believe America can undo all the damage Obama has done worldwide?

2016-10-11 8:40 pm

回答 (11)

2016-10-11 8:41 pm
Compared to 2007/2008, I LOVE my life today (Income, 401k, ALL of my investments, home value, Health Insurance, etc.).

Health Insurance - no preexisting conditions, no life-time caps. btw - No subsidy.

75+ months of CONSECUTIVE positive private sector job growth. Decrease in government workers.

I can now carry in National Parks based on 2009 DEM/Obama legislation (so much for that taking away my guns BS).

GOD help us if a Republican gets back in the White House. Today's GOP Congress is worthless.

Folks that don't see this are SHEEP,.
2016-10-11 8:42 pm
Well, to be honest, the world has complained about American interference since the 1960s. Now is the time it can show that it does not NEED America to clan up its messes.

After all, Syria cheered when the Twin Towers fell. If they hate us so much, why call on us for help now?
2016-10-11 8:42 pm
No those lives are destroyed or gone forever

But we can prevent Obama's 3rd term - Hillary
2016-10-11 8:41 pm
Not if they elect Hillary who will double down on the damage causing policies
2016-10-11 8:43 pm
Well, no one can undo the damage to Osama. I rest easy knowing that. I do not see any worldwide damage attributed to my current President. I did not vote him in to run the world anyway. Peace.
2016-10-11 8:41 pm
Obama's approval around the world is amazingly high.
2016-10-11 8:42 pm
It will be very hard.
2016-10-11 8:42 pm
It WILL take time, effort, and POSITIVE action, but it CAN be done.
2016-10-11 8:59 pm
2016-10-11 8:42 pm
2016-10-11 8:45 pm
Knowing that you can eat and have Healthcare for you're grandma is enough for me not to undo anything Obama has done. You have to take the good with the bad

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