Is Jewish a religion or race?

2016-10-11 8:11 pm

回答 (13)

2016-10-11 8:18 pm
Religon and ethnicity. Race is not a useful term. Do you call Italians a race?
2016-10-11 8:13 pm
2016-10-11 8:15 pm
2016-10-11 8:14 pm
Since there are black and white Jews it must be a religion only
參考: God's army - On R&S Patrol
2016-10-13 3:23 pm
Neither term is correct

There is only one human race
(unless you are talking about "racist violence" and the legal terms necessary for purposes of protecting people from "racist violence" -- in which case -- Yes - the Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that Jews are regarded as a race)

The Jews (aka Hebrews / aka Israelites) are a nationality - like Mohawks, Gypsies, Kurds

The religion that is generally called in English "Judaism" is the national religion of the Jews.
That's why it got that name -- the name was invented by Greek historians about 2 thousand years ago to describe the Jewish laws and beliefs.
(other languages call it "The Hebrew religion" -- ie: Yevreistvo in Russian)

People who were not born Jews can follow the religion of the Jews without becoming Jews or they can become Jews by adoption of citizenship in the Jewish nation (which is in English called conversion)

People who are not Jews but follow Jewish teachings are called "Noahides"
Noahidism was popular with Greeks and Romans from about 100 BCE till the Church became powerful in the 3rd century or so,
and it is on the rise again in America -- with a couple of massive congregations in Texas and Florida.
When the church was powerful, Noahides tended not to admit it -- but can be determined from their religious writings and activities -
Benjamin Franklin and Newton are believed to have been Noahides
(Benjamin Franklin was the largest supporter of the synagogue in Philadelphia)
2016-10-12 12:21 am
It's a race.
2016-10-11 10:07 pm
I believe you have to define these terms.

Being Jewish and following Judaism are different. Not all Jewish people follow Judaism. Nor is the Judaism of today in line with what the scriptures teach.

So: Jewish = a person born of a Jewish parent(s). A biological descendant of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. That is why God is called the “God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob” and never called “The God of Judaism.” God uses “people decent” there to show that the Jewish people are exactly that – “a people” physically descended from Abraham , Isaac and Jacob.

He is the God of a line of people. Specifically – Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Whether they acknowledge Him or not (like Jewish atheists do not) they (atheists) are still Jews. Why? Because they have Jewish parents.

And there are many people in history who I wish were not Jewish, but unfortunately they are. (Eg. Karl Marx, Bernie Madoff, Baruch Goldstein, etc. ) Why are they Jewish? Because their parents were Jewish.

If physical parents have nothing to do with making one Jewish – then why are the Hebrew Scriptures absolutely filled and filled with patrilineal genealogies? (too many to list here)

God created this family of people (Israel) to follow His laws and be a light to the world (Isaiah 42:6) in behaving differently.

Judaism - is the religion that the Rabbis have formed over many centuries which they believe will get Jews to God. It is different in many places from what the Hebrew Bible teaches. Not all Jewish people adhere to Judaism. For instance - I am Jewish because both of my parents are Jewish.

But - I do not follow the religion of the rabbis (Judaism) because I believe it is wrong and does not match up with the Jewish Bible. (That does not mean I do not love my people).
參考: . I am an Author and a Jewish Believer in Jesus (a Messianic Jew) for 29+ years. I have lectured in 26 States across the USA.
2016-10-11 8:33 pm
Although some little groups of reformer think it would be possible to convert to Judaism (or to leave this existence) most Jews respect the "Halacha", the jewish law of "Torah", which says any child of a "jewish mother" (the origin of the father isn't important) is a Jew, if this human believes or not, during no huamns can be a 100 percent Jew, who hasn't a jewish mother !

That's the reason, why people like Sigmund Freud were Jews in the opinion of Jews and Non-Jews, although all know he was an atheist too.The reason was his jewish mother, a part of the "chosen people" of the old testament or Torah!

This make sense, because it would be ridiculous if you could convert and be a part of Gods chosen people, just because you want this, and after this you convert again and you're no longer a part of these chosen people and so on, so I understand why most Jews and Non-Jews think so and why their bloodline is so important to them.

Probably that's the reason why to missionize is prohibited in Judaism in opposite to other monotheistic religions.
2016-10-11 8:15 pm
is white a person or a color?
2016-10-11 8:16 pm
It is a religion. Anyone can convert.
2016-10-11 8:14 pm
Both in a way. You have the Judaic Israeli and Palestinians, but you also have Germanic, Russian, British, Indian, etc. Jews.
2016-10-11 8:19 pm
2016-10-11 8:13 pm
Both. However, today some who are not ethnically Jewish have become members of the Jewish faith.

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