Why do I have yellow spots on my skin?

2016-10-11 5:21 pm
I got some blood drawn about a week ago and I just noticed there are some yellow blotches around the vein. Is this normal or a sign of liver damage?

回答 (3)

2016-10-11 5:23 pm
bruising - when you get blood drawn, some blood seeps beneath the skin. In deep tissue it can take days for that blood to reach the surface, by which time it can be yellow
2016-10-11 5:22 pm
It's normal..it'll go away eventually
2016-10-11 5:22 pm
You should ask the people who took the blood (or other medical professional). It's problematic getting medical advice from us Yahoos online.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:36:53
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