Why does it matter for one and not the other?

2016-10-11 4:40 pm
To Trump Supporters Why does it matter what Hilary has done in the past but not Trump and to Hilary Supporters why it matter what Trump has done in the past but not Hilary?

回答 (2)

2016-10-11 6:43 pm
Because Donald Trump was not in two high level positions in government, so it does matter what a person does since they are working for us. Hillary has tried to pin a lot of things on Trump but she has not shown he did anything wrong legally. Both of them may have ethics or moral questions.
2016-10-11 4:41 pm
Because the sides excuse their candidate while calling the opposing candidate the devil incarnate

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:36:12
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