What should I do if I'm dating someone but don't really like him?

2016-10-11 3:07 pm

回答 (6)

2016-10-11 5:55 pm
Well the answer her seems obvious. Kindly break up with him.
2016-10-11 3:34 pm
You should stop dating him.

Never date someone you don't enjoy.
In fact, the longer you date someone, the more likely they will get attached to you and become MORE difficult to get rid of.

Never do something that will hurt someone. Dating someone you don't like is harmful to others.

Never date someone only because you are bored or lonely or afraid of being single.
If you are feeling any of these emotions, it is YOUR responsibility for YOU to try to solve these problems .. don't USE someone else to try to tone down your own dysfunctional feelings.
2016-10-11 3:14 pm
2016-10-11 3:08 pm
Be nice and kindly break up with him.
2016-10-11 3:07 pm
call it another date
2016-10-11 3:07 pm
Break up with him.

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