Question about photoelectric effect?

2016-10-11 3:04 pm
I think that an electron only absorb a photon with energy corresponding to the energy levels in an atom.
If the energy of a photon is higher than the energy between a specific energy level and infinity level (0 eV), it can also absorb the photon and the remain energy is changed to KE.
Am I right?

回答 (1)

2016-10-12 4:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes, it is right.

Photoelectric effect usually occurs with outer-most orbital electrons in an atom. The incident photon vanishes after the process, with the energy difference between the photon and the ionization energy of the atom goes to the kinetic energy of the ejected electron.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 22:41:50
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