My parents don't appreciate me.?

2016-10-10 9:46 pm
I have straight A's and I have for all my life, so when it comes to my report cards, my parents already know I did good. I work my butt off to maintain my grades 25/8 but all I get is "Oh again? Good job.". But if my older brother gets oNE good grade it's "lets all go out to eat, get you a new car, shower u with money"? I tried telling them and they said I'm ungrateful and that I at least have a bed and clothes to put on my back. I paid for my own clothes because they won't even give me money to go shopping with, I had to get a summer job on my own, at 14, I had to mow the neighbors lawn, me. I can't bring it up to them without them shutting me down and yelling at me. I stopped talking to my parents like last week, not a word out of my mouth, and they said I have a major attitude problem. It's like I dont exist or no one cares so I dont bother to talk...

I said 25/8 as a joke.. I know it's 24/7 I was emphasizing how much I do it.


A few months ago, my brother got a new car for grades. He didn't need a new one. His model was 2014 and it doesn't help that he obsesses with cars just like my mom. I personally don't find much interest in them like they do. They bonded, and wallah. New car.

回答 (6)

2016-10-10 9:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You are a bright and gifted child and you should be proud of that. I think your parents are already used to you being a good kid so it is a little unnecessary for them to be overly excited about that. Your brother probably was not as gifted as you are so your parents feel that having one good grade is already a big accomplishment for him. I know that your parents are really proud of you so go ahead and ask them if they are proud of your accomplishments. Tell them about how you feel about them not expressing excitement without acting all whiny. I grew up in a Chinese household and my parents see it as a normal thing for me to get straight A's. I'm not complaining because I know that it will benefit me for my future. So focusing on yourself for your own future is your top priority. Be happy that you will one day have a bright future.
2016-10-10 11:24 pm
They sound mean and unfair, tell a school counselor or teacher
I wish you the best
2016-10-10 9:56 pm
Your parents love you dearly, but you're 14 and people that age actually DO tend to take things very personally. I, too, worked .. as a babysitter every weekend for at least three jobs and often both an afternoon and then evening job, I was an elf, a junior Easter Bunny, a child model, a window mannequin, and my income was used to buy my clothing and pay my way on church missions. It was not mine to spend or budget. Frustrating. But, as my parents carefully explained, when they were 14 they were a primary source of their families' incomes. With no spending money left in their pockets either. They were raised in the aftermath of the depression.

Your big brother got a car because he got a "B"? hum. Any chance that him being older and possibly needing a car had something to do with it?
2016-10-10 9:55 pm
Man, it sucks being the older sibling. I think they shower him with praise because he s younger than you. He s the baby of the family. I bet that they probably used to shower you with praise when you were younger, too. As you get older, though, your parents will view you as more responsible and less of a baby. To me, it seems like your parents are used to your good grades. They don t get all excited because they know that you always do a good job. It s not a big surprise to them. It is very wrong of tjem to not atleast give you hugs and give you some kind of reward for maintaining good grades, but, of course complaining will only get you in trouble as it seems. Right now, what I d say to do is to keep doing a good job, and be happy for yourself. You don t need special treats to be proud of yourself. I know it can be hard when one sibling gets more treats and stuff than the other, and you just happen to be the other, but you need to understand the situation your in with your parents.
參考: If you know that you can t change the situation, then don t. Just be happy about your achievments and praise yourself. Maybe save up your money and buy some little treat that you want. If it really does get to you, try talking to your parents once more.
2016-10-10 9:50 pm
maybe you should tell your parents how all this is making you feel
2016-10-10 9:50 pm
I think your lying about the grades because there arnt 25 hours in a day or 8 days in a week sooooo troll

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