Would Trump make people vote for the first time?

2016-10-10 4:54 pm
Do you think people who have never voted before and were old enough to do so will turn out and vote for Trump?

'Or make people vote against him?' - Nosmo

回答 (8)

2016-10-10 4:55 pm
Do redneck members of the kkk know how to vote then.
2016-10-10 5:17 pm
Hope so.... but don't think so
2016-10-10 4:59 pm
No, but people are becoming citizens to vote for Clinton, LOL!
2016-10-10 4:57 pm
How do you think he got the nomination?
2016-10-10 4:55 pm
I know several first time voters who are voting against Trump.
2016-10-10 4:55 pm
i think alot of people have started thinking voting is pointless because all they do is offer you establishment pattsies .. Trump is definitely different so yes .. i think alot more people will vote ..
2016-10-10 4:55 pm
Or make people vote against him.
2016-10-11 8:13 pm
I think many voters will vote for the first time to Keep Trump From Winning! Many more people are expected to vote this election and Many are voting for Gary Johnson.

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