i have 1988 toyota corolla dx i start it try drve dies right out can be wires didt put new ones cab be carb fuel pump fuel filter?

2016-10-10 1:47 pm

回答 (2)

2016-10-10 11:14 pm
Those are things to look at. Also, check the timing. It should not change by it self and it if did, that might be due to the cam belt slipping. In that case, a new cam belt will fix it..

Another problem with carburetors, since they started putting alcohol in gasoline, the float can get soaked in the alcohol and become too heavy to float and the engine will flood out and die. Take out the carburetor float and drop it in a bottle of gasoline to see if it sinks to the bottom or floats like it should.
2016-10-10 1:49 pm
Google it retard

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