Trump vs Clinton sex scandal? Do people not see the stunning hypocrisy here?

2016-10-10 7:46 am
We have two sex scandals that I think are arguably fairly equivalent to one another. Now some republicans actually are not defending Trump on this, but I think that's mostly people who only tepidly supported him to begin with, like John McCain, he never wanted to support Trump and this scandal was just the out he was looking for. And isn't this just the perfect evidence ladies and gentlemen of how both of these sides don't really give a damn about any sort of underlying principals? They just wanna play for a effing team. And it's not just the politicians either, I've seen so many of YOU guys out there playing for these teams, and you think 'Well my team stands for something'. But do you think that any group that puts principals and reason on hold the moment they become inconvenient can really be for the greater good? I'm consistent on this. I don't think Bill Clinton getting a ******* in the white house is a big deal. I don't think Trump talking some 'I'm a mad pussy slayer ****' is a big deal either. Rich powerful famous men like to ****. If that's news to you, then you're a retard. I hope that most of you will see through this chicanery and realize that both parties apply a double standard to their own scandals. Neither side believes these accusations about its own, but they always believe it about the people on the opposing side. And it really does demonstrate how bereft they both are of any sort of substance or consistency with their values

回答 (3)

2016-10-10 8:05 am
What sex scandal is Trump involved in. Making an admittedly crude remark in a private conversation is hardly the same as all stuff slick Willy pulled while in office and for all we know is still doing. After all he and Hillary don't even live together. and have not for quite some time.
2016-10-10 7:49 am
Trump joking about grabbing pvssy on a recording of a private conversation from 11 years ago is not a "sex scandal".
2016-10-10 10:44 pm
We have a third choice, it is Gary Johnson. He is more than the short 'gaffe-ridden' snippets you have seen on your news. He is our only moderate, sane, honest, legal, upright choice.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:35:30
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