Best friends with a guy?

2016-10-09 7:25 pm
I would say we are bestfriends, it just started with me telling him my guy problems which probably isn't the best but me and this guy always hang out at like school and we always tease each other like we poke and throw things at each other and people have said a few times that we should date or if we liked each other but we just laughed it off. Lately though I have thought that I like him like I will get sad if we don't text or he doesn't pay attention to me or sort off jealous if he gives another girl more attention. He doesn't usually talk about girls to me, he has said that he doesn't like anyone currently but that's about it. So what could this be? just friendship or?

回答 (1)

2016-10-09 7:48 pm
breakup with ypir boyfriend first

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