Can I move out at 17?

2016-10-09 11:04 am
I'm currently 17. I graduate in January. If I wanted to leave home when I graduate, (I'd be 17 & 7 months) would I be able to? I live in Arizona. If I were to leave home without permission and stay at a friends until 18, what would the law really be able to do? Could they send me to jail if I was caught basically running away? Or would they just send me home? Ive heard once youre 17 the police don't look for you if youre a runaway. Thanks for any information or opinions.

回答 (4)

2016-10-09 3:25 pm
If I were to leave home without permission and stay at a friends until 18, what would the law really be able to do?
Aside from forcibly returning you to your parents, they could CONVICT your friends of contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
2016-10-09 11:44 am
It would make your life difficult. Is there a reason you want to move away that has to do with your parents? You may be able to become an emancipated minor depending on your situation. Or you could just try to persuade your parents to let you move, assuming you have a good reason for it.
2016-10-09 11:18 am
You can but you have no legal rights to anything and can't sign most documents so you'll be wasting your time. Most places won't even take you for a tenancy until 18 because you're legally a minor (child) therefore your parents hold these rights over you.
2016-10-09 11:23 am
In the UK you can but I believe you're still classed as a child in the US

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