My mom is leaving for 2 weeks..?

2016-10-08 11:50 pm
I'm 14 and my mom is leaving for the Philippines tonight. She won't be back for 2 weeks and I can't stop worrying because I'm scared somethings going to happen to her. We're going to the airport tonight and I'm going to be so depressed once she leaves. I've always been super close with my mom and I've never, ever been separated from her. I know I sound like a baby but it's the truth. She's like my best friend, I tell her everything. And without her, I don't know what I'm going to do. I'll be so far apart from her and I don't feel safe when she's not around. Has anyone ever felt this way? How do I get over it?? :(

回答 (6)

2016-10-08 11:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am around your age and I'm also really close to my mom.
A few years back, she also had to leave for a trip for a few days.
I was worried too but every night before we went to bed, I would video call her and spend half an hour talking just to make sure everything is well.
Are you going to be staying with anyone else? Perhaps you could stay over at another relative's place
Good luck (:
2016-10-09 12:04 am
Your worrying your socks off. Just think to yourself, with you worrying and stressing and missing her, is it going to make her come home quicker? Is it going to make sure she will stay safe? No, you just have to wait it out. What good is worrying gona do to yourself, it just makes you miss her more. Say a wee prayer now and again and FaceTime or Skype her, but worrying won't make anything any better
2016-10-08 11:55 pm
Of the millions of people who fly every year an infinitesimal number get hurt. She is FAR more likely to be in a road accident on the way to the airport. It is good practice for you to be apart from her; take advantage of the time with your dad (or whoever is looking after you).
2016-10-09 2:20 am
2016-10-08 11:53 pm
As long as she is not dealing drugs the president won't shoot her.
2016-10-08 11:52 pm
Just think on the bright side, and do something that was entertain you until she comes back. Try not to think about it

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