2016-10-08 10:11 am
I asked a question like this before but got shit answers. Yes, Hitler became chancellor, but that didn't give him the right to get rid of opposing parties. also how did he get so much power. he was only chancellor. If this is true, and he did have so much power. Does that mean in this day and age, someone like the president of Canada could overtake Canada, and become a dictator be getting rid of opposing parties? I'm just wondering how Hitler got so much power from nothing. Wasn't there the treaty of Versailles which stopped him from gaining so much power in the first place?

回答 (6)

2016-10-08 12:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hitler became Chancellor in 1933 because they felt pressured to give him the position, not because he had won the election.
The Nazis literally threatened civil war and Hitler was the leader of the largest political party, so they thought to give him shared power, an offer flatly refused. They were well aware of the risk, but felt to have little choice, so they gave in to him. Hitler became Chancellor and immediately went to work with his cabinet, not surprisingly, no cabinet minister was game to disagree with Hitlers idea's. Germany's constitution under article 48 had no protective barriers to stop its misuse. The laws were already in place before the creation of the second Reich back in 1871, unfortunately however, Otto von Bismarck had left that legacy in place. So Hitler and his cabinet ministers changed the by-laws associated with that constitution to grab power. The countries first president Friederick Ebert shortly after the end of World War One had misused article 48 no less than 136 times whilst in office, the bottom line being, if there was something he did not like, he would simply change it.
So once Hitler was in office, he got his cabinet to rush through the 'Fire Decree' and shortly after on 23 march 1933 they pushed through the infamous 'Enabling Act'. This had crossed out civil rights and liberties for the whole population with a stroke of a pen. From that day on, Hitler could rule by decree under the states emergency laws, have you arrested and jailed indefinitely without representation. To give you some example of how this works is to mention Italy. As you know, Italy had a change of mind during World War Two on who's side they wished to be on, to be frank Italy paid a very high price for that, nevertheless, they still did it. Italy had never fooled around with its constitution. So the army and politicians alike approached the Italian King and asked him to sack Mussolini, a tall order but the king wasted little time to do it.
參考: The Coming of the Third Reich How the Nazis Destroyed Democracy and Seized Power in Germany ................................ Richard J. Evans The Third Reich in Power How the Nazis won over the Hearts and Minds of a Nation ............................................................ Richard J. Evans
2016-10-08 1:21 pm
His supporters took to the streets with guns. They outnumbered and out-gunned the police - and most Germans agreed with Herr Hitler.
2016-10-08 11:46 am
He was elected. It was things like the Enabling Act that turned him into a dictator
2016-10-08 11:01 am
By the same sort of processes that would lead to Trump becoming president of the USA.
2016-10-08 10:51 am
well you ungrateful wretch I gave an answer too do you know anything at all you need some intelligence to understand things his party gained the most votes in 1933 it was only a third of all the votes but it was the majority he had the biggest party and was entitled to be chancellor note the word entitled not certain President Hindenburg didn't like him and refused but colleagues goaded him said Hitler had a tiny majority he could virtually do nothing anyway they could easily control him they finally convinced Hindenburg and reluctantly he made him Chancellor Hitler proceeded to work his evil deeds first politicians had spurious charges brought against them they were imprisoned the entire communist party were imprisoned there were a few his majority was becoming very healthy now he could pass laws un hindered and when Hindenburg the President died there was nothing to oppose him literally nothing in the constitution to stop him making himself president by passing an enabling law thus no one else could be president now do you understand Germany had a King as well as government in WW1 but he was made to abdicate and a military regime took over one being Hindenburg a new constitution was created Hitler used a flaw Britain has a Queen parliament still has to get her agreement before they pass laws Canada is still part of the Queen of Englands commonwealth she still has a say there officially but it is never seen wheels within wheels now Oliver do you still want MORE or the back of my hand my lad
2016-10-09 10:28 am
He was popular. He had the backing of the entire NAZI party.
2016-10-09 9:05 am
In 1933 he was appointed Chancellor then the President Died and he abolished the Position and appointed himself Leader Of Germany

Much Like Lincoln did in the USA
2016-10-09 2:50 am
Weimar Germany was a liberal republic. When the Nazis won a majority of seats in the Reichstag, Hindenburg felt forced to appoint Hitler Chancellor, In less than a month the Reichstag was torched by Nazi arsonists. This crime was called the opening salvo in a campaign to destroy the Reich. Hitler asked for an Enabling Act,
which would give him dictatorial powers. The Nazis approved this act. Thus, by legal methods (ahem), Hitler became dictator,
2016-10-09 12:35 am
Hitler came into power because he was seen as an easy target for the goverment. He was given a lot of power because the German Public hated the government-based November Criminals but loved Hitler's promises. They also saw Hitler as an easy target for manipulation seeing as Hitler was known for being impulsive but scheming- following the Munich Putsch in 1923. So they appointed Hitler as Chancellor but gave him extra power. After President Hindenberg died, Hitler used Article 48 to suspend the government, therefore given him enough power to overthrow the Treaty Of Versailles and bring the Third Reich to power.
參考: I studied Nazi Germany (1915-1945) for GCSE History
2016-10-08 8:09 pm
Because the government was so fearful of the political situation after the Rehichstag fire, the Reichstag, Richsrat and President Hindenburg gave him emergency powers in the Enabling Act. This in a sense gave him authority to make laws on his own. It was the end of German Democracy and the beginning of Dictatorship.

Unfortunately, the Wiemar Republic Constitution did not have the kinds of built in protections from allowing this to happen. The German people also didn't have their faith in the Republic as we might today. The socioeconomic conditions were so bad, it is possible the government might have been overthrown anyway if the government tried to keep itself intact.
2016-10-08 3:56 pm
It was answered by me at least, and probably others. About a month after Hitler became Chancellor, the Reichstag, the German parliament building, experienced a massive fire. A mentally ill Dutch Communist was arrested for the fire and the Nazis were able to persuade the powers that be that Communism was a major danger in the country, requiring extensive special powers to combat. The government passed the Reichstag Fire Decree, which gave the Chancellor new powers and rolled back some civil liberties. Hitler then used these new rules to consolidate his power and promulgate new rules which made him even more powerful and reduced civil liberties even more.
2016-10-08 3:40 pm
At the beginning his acts of intimidating and murdering opponents were totally illegal, but once he had eliminated enough of them, he was then able to get the Reichstag to pass an "Enabling Act" which "legally" gave him authoritarian powers.

Of course, since the means by which he got the act passed were themselves illegal, his whole regime was illegal, but that's how he did it. And it was a lot more complicated than this little summary, but there are plenty of books that explain the process in detail.
2016-10-08 11:04 am
He was elected.
Who says democracies do not give rise to dictatorships ???
2016-10-08 12:51 pm
The centre parties, in fact the concept of democracy itself lost credibility with the public. Faced with a move to anarchy, the only forces strong enough to compete were the Nazis and the Communists. The Nazis were chosen as the lesser of two evils at the time.
In the same way, the American public is today faced with a choice of two deadly candidates, after the political process removed all the moderate politicians from the election in its early stages.

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