Is Isis starting a world war 3?

2016-10-08 2:00 am
If they continue to bomb other countries do you think they have the potential to start another world war. I don't like Hillary but then again, Trump said if he becomes president he'll "Bomb the hell outta Isis." France and Belgium said they might send troops to Iraq. There's a lot of rasping by Muslims in Europe also. Yes, not all Muslims are terrorist, i'm talking about Isis not all Muslims. But that doesn't excuse the fact, that most rapists in Europe are Muslims.

回答 (4)

2016-10-08 2:12 am
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Here's what you and most other westerners are overlooking. ISIS is apocalyptic; they believe in the final battle between good (them) and evil (us). And then the rapture, they will be lifted into Paradise. But first, they need to have the final battle; and that's why they keep picking fights with everyone. The more they draw into fighting them, the closer they feel to the final battle and their reward in Paradise.

And to those who say ISIS is not practicing Islam, that is patently false. They are practicing the most fundamental of Islam, the Islam as Muhammad himself practiced it centuries ago. Check out Muhammad's 100 expeditions on the web. He was not a nice peace loving man like JC was.
2016-10-08 2:01 am
Bomb the h*ll out of ISIS.
2016-10-08 2:05 am
When Bush and Chaney took Saddam out, his problems became our problems. Think about it.
2016-10-08 2:02 am
haha, no. Most of the world don't have anything to do with the wars in the Mideast. The West just keeps sticking its head in other peoples business when they have not the right to do so.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:37:46
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